
women wariations

February 8, tomorrow, is International Women's Day. I conducted a small research on what kinds of images exist and pop up on the Internet if I type in "women's day". While there are, for sure, recurring symbols, like hearts, flowers, community, girl power, the color pink, or figures of Barbie and Rosie the riveter, accompanied with the respective motivational message (of embracing your beauty or standing up for your rights), the collection that I hereby present to you shows nicely: women (and for that matter, men) are not one group and not one kind.

Enjoy the witty verbal-pictorial metaphors, which will not only entertain, enrage, or encourage you, but they will also reveal to you a multitude of faces and voices that call for celebration, every day.

Women's Day: The Fight

Women's Day: The Celebration

Women's Day: Men For Women

Women's Day: Women For Women

Women's Day: Be Yourself

Happy Wo/men's Day for all.

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